___________________________________________________________________________ | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | Sysop : Jerry W. Decker | Voice : (214) 324-8741 | | File Name : MAILMIND.ASC | Online Date : 05/22/94 | | Contributed by : Joel McClain | Dir Category : UNCLASS | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAILMIND.ASC Recently, advertisements appeared in the Dallas Morning News for a "free" 3 1/2 hour workshop & career orientation to learn about POSTAL JOBS in the Dallas area. The "free" seminar actually cost $20, to cover the "materials and registration fee". The following statements are my opinions regarding my experience at that seminar. Because I had just finished reading the excellent MIND2.ASC file, I was able to recognize the direction that the seminar was taking, as the "charismatic" leader turned a group of 100 adults into "true believers". I STRONGLY encourage the reading of the MIND2.ASC file, by anyone who is considering attending ANY group event, whether a seminar, training session, concert, or religious event. From the aforementioned file, I recognized the three stages of Pavlov's transmarginal inhibition: the equivalent phase, the paradoxical phase, and the ultra-paradoxical phase. Within a short time, most of the people in the audience were responding like trained seals, clapping and agreeing with ANYTHING the "leader" said. Testimonials were used to nail down the "leader's" statements. Let me tell you, it was getting scary. Tension was created, with timed tests in half of the time normally provided, as well as with abbreviated breaks, actually only one break of only 12 minutes, with only two rest- rooms available. The purpose of this procedure was to induce a state of catharsis in the minds of the attendees, and then to hit them with a "follow up" seminar, for ONLY $395.00. The follow up would GUARANTEE you that you would score at least 95% on the Postal Service exam. Your SALVATION from the otherwise IMPOSSIBLE ODDS of passing the test. But, you had to respond quickly, because there were only 16 seats left for the seminar, and the exam is opening up soon! This was the "logical" thing to do, since you'd already (whether you knew it or not) "agreed" by your catharsis and "yes set" responses. I'm not saying that these methods are illegal or morally wrong...everyone uses them, from advertisers to politicians, to religious figures. However, you SHOULD have an awareness of these powerful manipulative techniques, because you have no natural immunity to them. Even skepticism is no guarantee that you won't be affected, and reading the MIND2.ASC will help you to fight against it, or at least to recognize it so you can AVOID it. Personally, I went to encourage my 18 year old son, who is about to graduate from high school, to look into the Postal Service as a career. He learned A LOT at that seminar, but more about manipulative methods than Page 1 about opportunities with the Postal Service. That alone was worth the twenty bucks, so I have no complaints. However, many of the other attendees described themselves as poor and desperate, increasing their receptiveness to the message of this self appointed "saviour". I left before the "call to the faithful", so I don't know how many "converts" were made from this group. Quite a few, I'd guess. I noticed that the doors were locked as I was leaving, presumably to prevent interruption from OUTSIDE the room, but lkely as a method to encourage people INSIDE from leaving before the seminar was over. Please download MIND2.ASC, print it, and share copies with your friends. Read it before you attend ANY group session. The SAME methods that are used to create "moonies" are being used on you, and you should learn to recognize the signs, if only in self defense. Ever notice that Bill Clinton always uses his LEFT hand when gesturing? It's to appeal to your right brain, and it's a proven technique! Read the file! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeelyNet (214) 324-3501 is a FREE Alternative Sciences BBS Your file contributions and financial support are much appreciated! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2