THE SLEAZE REPORT NEWS THAT YOU CAN DO WITHOUT "TOAD LICKERS" Just when you thought America's drug crisis couldn't get any worse, hopheads have found a new way to get high that's so bizarre it sounds like a sick joke; They lick toads! Before you even think about laughing, consider this: Toad licking is a felony, just like taking heroin or LSD! "You take a toad, shake it about and agitate it," explained Berkeley, Calif., Police Chief Ronald Nelson. "That makes it emit a chemical through its skin. "Then you lick the chemical off the back of the toad." Explained Dr. Alan Tani of the San Francisco Poison Control Center, "Some toads exude hallucinogenic substances as well as toxins as part of their defense." The most commonly used toad for U.S. drug-takers is the Colorado River toad, found in the Southwest and Mexico. It gives off a drug compound called bufotenine. "We hear of youngsters who do this fairly frequently," said a California probation officer. "Kids sniff glue of paint, but say that makes you so numb you can't think or talk. PCP also makes you unable to function. But the kids say that toad licking gives you a trip without paralyzing you. "It isn't as strong as LSD, but it's free." However the toadlickers don't realize they're playing a dangerous game. A Drug Enforcement Agency official, who asked not to be named, said he didn't know of anyone arrested yet for toad licking, but he added, "Bufotenine is in the same category of illegal drugs as heroin and LSD. It's a felony to possess it and a felony to use the drug." !!! RIVET RIVET !!! This highly regarded report comes from your favorite newspaper "The National Enquirer."