(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet! December 3, 1991 FREEDOM1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following file is one that is "in creation" and is dependent your feedback, thoughts, ideas and comments. The purpose is the creation of an article that will show WHAT COULD BE based on current, near future and far future technologies. It should paint a picture of what life COULD BE LIKE were we to get off our butts and do something constructive, not just sharing of information, but also experiments, verification of claims and working devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM TECHNOLOGY from a message on KeelyNet Hi John! You must be reading my mind.....I was going to do a version and place it online for review by others who would no doubt have insights that I would miss, then when we get everyones various ideas, make it into a very interesting file....you know, What to expect from all this mess? ...something kind of on that order. In fact, here are the notes I wrote up last night as a kind of guideline based on the stuff that is here NOW or very close... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Free Energy - Hyde - Sweet - Testatika - Heat Pump (DennisLee) Newman - Hydrogen Generators - ?? 2) Anti-Grav - Kidd - Keely - MHD - Brown - Searle - Carr - ?? 3) Disease Eradication - Rife - Ozone/UV - Essiac - Naessens - Koch - MWO - HCL therapies - ??? 4) Age Reversal/Suspension - Dotto - Cell Food - D20 - Oil of Antimony - Chelating agents 5) Limb/Organ Regeneration - Cloning - Burr's Electrodynamics 6) Waste Disposal/Conversion - Morse - Steiner/Schauberger Spirals - Laser Disintegration - Solar Concentrator Disintegration 7) Food Production - Hydroponics - Fish Farming - Steiner BD - Greenhouse Bubbles 8) Water Precipitator - either natural condensation or forced with use of outside power 9) Advanced Learning - Autosuggestion - Subliminals - Sleep Learning Mind Enhancement Drugs - Electronic Stimulation 10) Energy/Matter Converters - Parr - Hilarion - Dweller - Russell 11) Communications - Motional Fields - Scalars - Aether Modulation 12) Teleportation - ?? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Conversion of current vehicle/transport technology in a slow process and based on ideas as shown in Back to the Future. In the movie, there were cars that converted from ground to flying vehicles. These took advantage of modified vehicles AS WE CURRENTLY USE for ground transportation alone. The idea of skylanes which vectored into towns, roads or cities was quite inspired. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Industry would phase in with construction of these various machines with the need for replacement parts, repair/maintenance of operating units, possibly built-in obsolescence of 5-30 years, power units for home Central, automobile, aircraft, watercraft, spacecraft and portable sources. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Future society would be based on expansion of human knowledge and arts through fact finding projects, exploration, colonization, trade and commerce (exchange of services, goods or credits). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Individuals, groups, small businesses and larger companies would build products or offer services for small markets PRIMARILY on a community based level as in the age old free market concept and these must comply with basic quality standards. Sales of these products, crafts, services, etc. would be through in LOCAL markets or through state, national, or world commerce channels. Communities would become SELF-SUPPLYING with "imports" of higher technology goods from communities that chose to focus on the manufacture of such goods. -------------------------------------------------------------------- One problem that is a major obstacle is how to overcome vested interests especially in convincing them that all this can be PHASED IN successfully with the absolute MINIMUM of DISRUPTION to the economy or current technologies. These groups, companies, governments or individuals MUST change to accomodate the new technologies and freedoms that would NECESSARILY come from the gradual implementation of free energy, anti-grav, etc. Why should we try to get such companies or vested interests to work WITH this rather than AGAINST us? Because they are so entrenched in the minds of people as well as almost absolute rulers of the economy and legal system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- What options do we have beyond dependency on the open armed welcome of vested interests who have managed to suppress such expansion for so many decades? Positives 1) We have computer networks 2) We have access to photocopiers 3) We have newsletters 4) We have meetings 5) We have multiple level marketing 6) We have our own set of contacts (each of us) 7) We have friends, relatives and acquaintances 8) We have open mindedness to new concepts and ideas 9) We understand the concept of shareware and that the majority of people would be more than happy to contribute to plans or machines THAT WORK in a practical sense Negatives 1) People get greedy 2) People get selfish and seek power or control of a process or technology 3) Why should people or companies change the status quo for some half-baked idea or machine that would REMOVE THE VICTIMS from centralized sources (that can be metered and thus the user can be charged)? 4) We don't have funding for our plans, machines or research to develop those machines 5) Inventors/researchers many times get involved with investment groups who legally tie up a machine or technology 6) Inventors/researchers fear that their discovery will be taken away from them without appreciation or compensation, why should they share their work for free or without GUARANTEE OF JUST COMPENSATION? 7) Inventors frequently die before sharing or recording sufficient information that others may carry on the work -------------------------------------------------------------------- So HOW would this phasing in WITH THE CURRENT SYSTEMS take place? - taxes must continue to support government projects especially funding of technology or product invention and manufacture, this includes basic R & D along with manufacturing and marketing. And for this we are talking SMALL GROUPS OR COMPANIES as getting THE LION'S SHARE of the funding as their ideas are more radical and thus far-reaching and closer to achievement than the overloaded and self-impeding teams at bigger companies. Precision, speed, willingness to try are the hallmark of small companies that are radically successful. This funding for companies MUST also include folks who AREN'T REQUIRED TO HAVE A PHD or other "accredited" certification. Willingness to learn and the optimism of future thinkers...that is a PIVOTAL POINT in all this type of research... - automobiles and trucks must be "weaned" away FROM the consumption of gasoline TO the use of HYDROGEN, through conversions of current vehicles to hydrogen generators that would be available from garages as a bring it in, we do the conversion, you pay us and go. This conversion could also come in KITS for those who wish to install it themselves. Government subsidies would be granted to those desiring this conversion of OLDER vehicles. NEW VEHICLES would have this ON DEMAND hydrogen generators BUILT-IN DIRECTLY and people would again be ENCOURAGED to get away from the older vehicles (even the conversions) and go to the new which have ENGINES DESIGNED TO WORK OPTIMALLY with the hydrogen as the combustible fuel. - Thermopile/thermocouples could also be attached to the hydrogen generators to capture and convert most of the heat into useable power - for homes, there is the DennisLee heat pump system which can be GREATLY EXPANDED to provide local HOT/COLD AIR for the home environment, HOT/COLD WATER for home use and very probably electricity - also for the home, there is a superior heat pump generator which I have seen in action that will operate on temperature differentials of as little as 3 degrees F...this would provide motive force for LOCAL POWER GENERATION - Atmospheric Water Precipitators that use condensation "membranes" to precipitate water DIRECTLY from circulating air and which collects in tanks to be drawn out as needed...thus water can be used as is or further filtered...this minimizes "used" water that is fluoridated/chlorinated or otherwise contaminated from natural water - Health - where a morning shower/shave entails standing on a metal plate which uses HYBRID TECHNOLOGIES including RIFE frequencies, MWO frequencies, UV/OZONE to bombard the body with signals designed to destroy bacteria/viruses as well as enhance the immune system by stimulation -------------------------------------------------------------------- Industries based ON THE ABOVE would provide ample opportunities for forward looking current companies to PHASE in the newest FREEDOM TECHNOLOGIES and yet still make money since these devices have to be built, tested, marketed and maintained. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is how to get it going in a BIG WAY from the "git go" to prevent all the interferences generated as legal altercations or other suppressive influences by vested interests including governments, large companies that rely on METERED SERVICES as well as individuals or groups who make large sums of money daily from people who have never been allowed the FREEDOM of energy independence. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I feel that networks and multiple level and/or mail order will all play a significant part in bringing this about....but the FIRST PRIORITY must be the development or duplication of WORKING DEVICES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- When people become aware that working systems ARE AVAILABLE and can either be bought in KIT form, purchased as OUTRIGHT WORKING UNITS or can BE INSTALLED BY "authorized" servicemen...the world will be OURS in that we will have achieved a MAJOR STEP in the right direction. -------------------------------------------------------------------- That is close to the One World Order idea because with the achievement of practical levitation, borders will begin to dissolve. With cooperation among nations and the general raising of the standard of living of all countries, we cannot HELP but to evolve to a more GESTALT (group mind) approach to problems and solution sharing as evinced in Star Trek with the "Federation". -------------------------------------------------------------------- With the advent of practical space travel, COLONIZATION will be then come into its own as one of the greatest stimuli to the one world concept that could ever be, ESPECIALLY knowing that one can take a portable power plant that uses ZPE (zero point energy), hydrogen or other sources, include a maintenance kit or spare parts, your own way to levitate and the universe is your oyster.... -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the beginning of a paper to show what IS, what COULD BE in the immediate future (should everyone FREELY SHARE their working plans) and the FAR FUTURE. The main focus HOWEVER should be EXISTING devices that can be combined in HYBRID ARRANGEMENTS to achieve practical results as in our bulletin #3.... -------------------------------------------------------------------- So, take this information as a skeleton, think about it in light of what you know or suspect. Then you can either upload your ideas for inclusion into an article (credit given unless you do not wish it) for the BBS and possibly for Borderland or whoever...TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT IT *IS* POSSIBLE TO USE THIS STUFF, however, it involves time and investment using proven workable techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------------- What part can you play in making such concepts a REALITY? If you are an inventor or researcher, SHARE YOUR IDEAS or PLANS with others, making sure that your papers give you credit for your work. In Shareware, the author asks that should a user find it worthy of use, that a small contribution be sent to the inventor/author. This SHAREWARE concept relies on the basic honesty of most people although there are folks who will take and or USE the technology without any feeling of ripping off someone else's work. Those people will live to regret the circle that they created and will eventually harvest. They should be encouraged to YIELD to their higher influences. Try to prevent getting tied up with investors who will eventually get greedy and seek for the highest payback. At least get a good lawyer and contract. In that process, your work COULD be tied up AND NEVER COME TO PRACTICAL USE! Share your work with AMPLE NOTICE THAT YOU DID IT AND EXPECT SOMETHING IN RETURN IF IT IS USED. If you are a company or investor, Seek out inventors and researchers of radical technologies, ask for a working demonstration (with non-disclosures EXPECTED) and don't worry about the NOT INVENTED HERE mentality. Once the machine is proven to work and under normal NON- LABORATORY conditions, work up kits through separate sources. Construct the machine in separate stages or at a central location. USE NETWORKS and mailing lists to GET THE PRODUCT OUT to as many people as possible BEFORE suppressive influences come into play. Once a great majority of people are USING THESE MACHINES, the opening MUST GROW to allow open sales. ALWAYS REMEMBER THE INVENTOR! He did not necessarily do all the work out of love, but expects compensation so that he can GO ON TO IMPROVE HIS INVENTIONS OR DISCOVER OTHER PRODUCTS. If you as a business, treat the inventors well, they will BRING YOU THEIR NEXT INVENTION. Be first, be poised to strike a receptive market, get the lion's share of the first orders BEFORE others jump on the bandwagon, then go to the NEXT PRODUCT. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GESTALT IN ACTION with ADAPTIVE RESPONSES should be our way of life instead of just some high sounding verbiage...thanks......>>> Jerry -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 --------------------------------------------------------------------