(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet except where noted! August 15, 1993 MUSHROOM.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Christine Andersen. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is provided for entertainment ONLY and we make no claims as to its efficacy. KeelyNet, Vangard Sciences, the Sysops, CoSysops and officers will not be responsible for any actions or results as a consequence of the readers actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kombucha Elixir or Manchurian Tea Youth! Beauty! Health! The timeless quest! But, where is it to be found? It is well documented that there are pockets of people, who are centenarians, clustered not only in the mountainous Caucasias where they are most celebrated, but also in other rural areas like Yakutia in Siberia, or the Poltaya District of the Ukraine, as well as Tibet and Spain. Compare this to the elderly in the United States who are often medicated and placed in nursing homes resigned to dying, without ever thinking of reaching the age of 100. A centenarian in this country is interviewed, congratulated by the President of the United States and given a party in his honor at his nursing home, so great is this occasion. These centenarians in Russia, Spain and Tibet are actively involved in life at that age. There is an area in Russia called Kargasok, where the people are a dairy and vegetable eating populace who cherish family ideals and traditions. Liquor and smoking are excluded from their lifestyle. A common outlook shared by the inhabitants is not to let life pressure them. They are a hearty, outdoor folk who work as carpenters, bookkeepers, and farmers who usually live to be well over 100. These Elders are revered, active and valued members of society and family. The harmony prevalent in Kargasok society cannot be reproduced in our Western world of stress and fast-paced living. However, the Russian centenarians attribute their longevity not only to their work habits, but also to the Yeast Enzyme Tea which has been in their diet for hundreds of years. This tea contains a concentrated amount of high quality protein which the body ingests and uses immediately. Yeast Enzymes respond to the living micro-organisms in the body and metabolizes it readily. Page 1 The ancient, yeast-culture tea which the Kargasoks believe sustains their excellent health into their hundreds, found its way years ago back to Japan again, when a prominent Japanese lady traveled to Kargosok, Russia. Upon arrival there she made an extraordinary observation of an unusually healthy people. The women were virtually without wrinkles and few other visible signs of aging. It was disclosed to her that everyone drank at least eight ounces of the Kombucha tea daily. To make this tea, the Japanese lady obtained a piece of the special yeast culture with instructions on how to make it with her close friends. After drinking it for several weeks, her friends reported an astonishing difference in how they felt physically. Her reports also claim the pronounced lowering of high blood pressure, the fading of wrinkles, the gradual beginning of hair restoration and an overall feeling of well-being. Today, over a million Japanese people drink the fermented tea daily. It is a common conversation piece on television and over the radio. Dr. Pan Pen, a scientist of Japan, reports his findings as follows: 1) the tea helps restore hair growth after 4-6 months, 2) and gray hair will darken; 3) and it can strengthen the eyesight. Because he found the culture contains three basic vital elements needed by the body, he claims that the tea is a LIFE EXTENDER. Dr. Sklenar of Germany is using this tea to support cancer treatments. He is also using Kombucha 1X and some other remedies to aid in cancer treatments. He believes that this tea can PREVENT cancer if drunk daily. The first recorded use of Kargasok Tea was during the Chinese empire of the Tsin Dynasty in 221 BC. It was referred to as "The Remedy for Immortality" or "The Divine Tsche." In 414 BC, Dr. Kombu, from Korea, brought it to Japan during the reing of Emperor Inkyo. Afterwards, this tea was used throughout China, Japan and Korea and later introduced into Russia and India. It was called by several different names; "Fungus Japonicus", "Fungo-Japon Kombucha", "Pichia Fermentans", "Cambuya Orientalis", "Combuchu", "Tschambucco", "Volga-Spring", "Mo-Gu", "Champignon de Longue vie", "Teekwass", "Kwassan", and "Kargasok Tea" The Kombucha Fungus is built in membrane-form and is a SYMBIOSIS of yeast cells and different bacteria. Among these bacteria are: Bacterium Xylinum, Bacterium Gluconium, Acetobacter Ketogenum, and Pichia Fermentans. Page 2 The Kombucha Fungus needs to live in a solution of black tea and sugar. In the right temperature they multiply constantly. They don't build spores as yeast normally does, but instead multiply by a process which produces Glucuronic Acid, Lactic Acid, Acetic Acid and several vitamins. The yeast culture transforms the sugar and black tea into enzymes useful for the body. The fermented mixture later contains not only these products, but also 0.5% alcohol. Glucuronic Acid is used in the body to build the important polysaccharides such as : Hyaluronic Acid - vital for the connective tissues, Chondroitinsulfat Acid - the basis substance in our cartilage, Mukoitinsulfat Acid - for the mucous and for the vitreous (eye), and also Heparin and Lactic Acid which is especially for our colon. Kombucha works like a natural antibiotic. The Kombucha 1X or Kargasok 110 has been used for many hundreds, maybe thousands of years by those who believe it can 1) activate the glandular system; 2) stimulate the metabolism, 3) reduce weight, 4) lower Uric Acid, 5) lower Cholesterol, 6) prevent rheumatism, 7) prevent arthritis, 8) prevent neurasthenia, 9) assist in stomach-liver-kidney disorders, 10) prevent gout, 11) prevent boils, 12) prevent arteriosclerosis, 13) reduce hypertension, 14) prevent skin diseases, etc. The tea is also felt to rebuild the colon flora and increase the blood circulation and aids those under stress. We are talking about a "Panacea" Manchurian Mushroom that takes seven days to reproduce itself; it looks like a hot cake but is grayish in color. Properly cultivated it: 1. Eliminates wrinkles and helps the removal of brown spots on hands. It is a skin humectant. 2. Prevents certain types of cancer; in Manchuria, where this mushroom came from, there has not been detected one single case of cancer. Every day people drink this tea as a religious atonement. 3. During menopause, reduces hot-flash discomforts. Just after drinking the Manchurian Mushroom Tea, you may feel a warm sensation, due to the fact that the tea components "join the blood stream" causing a draining action of toxic chemical elements and fluids, the reason for which you will notice an increased mobility in your extremities and an increased flexibility around your waist. 4. Helps prevent constipation. 5. Helps muscular aches and pains in shoulders and neck. Page 3 6. Helps bronchitis, asthma, cough in two or three days. Will help children with the removal of phlegm. 7. Helps with allergies, also with aching nerves. 8. It is prescribed in kidney problems. 9. It has proven useful in cataracts and other formations on the cornea. 10. It cleanses the gall bladder, helps colitis and nervous stomaches. 11. Helps heal diseases. It will lower cholesterol and soften veins and arteries. 12. It will stop infectious diseases. 13. Helps burning of fat, therefore, helps to lose weight. 14. Helps insomnia. 15. Helps the liver to work more efficiently. 16. Helps to level off glucose and sudden drops of blood sugar in diabetics. If taken daily, it will eliminate urea in 100 days. 17. It has surprising effects on the scalp, helps avoid balding, thickens hair and eliminates gray hair. 18. Helps digestion. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DO YOU PREPARE YOUR TEA AND PROPAGATE THE MUSHROOM? -------------------------------------------------------------------- You must use an enameled or glass pot or container (3-1/2 quart pot by Visions). No metal rim. When you handle the mushroom, take off your rings and any other metal that could be near proximity to the mushroom. If you are using a spoon, make sure it is wooden or plastic. Heat three quarts of water. When it starts to boil, add one cup of light brown sugar and let it boil for five minutes. Turn off the tea and add five tea bags or 4 family bags; let it cool off. When cool, place the Manchurian Mushroom on top of the liquid and cover the container with cheesecloth. THE BACTERIA MUST BE ALLOWED TO BREATHE! Let it ferment for seven days, undisturbed, in a cool place, room temperature of 70 to 75 degrees F. Remove the Manchurian Mushroom from the pot and place it on a glass plate. You will notice that it propagates itself by forming a "baby mushroom" right under the original mushroom. Separate them with your hands by pulling them apart. Place each one in a different container with tea to start the process all over again. When you work at it, be in a meditative state. It is sensitive. If it falls down to the bottom of the glass or enamel container, leave it alone. In a few days it will come back to the top. Don't leave it around bad vibes (like appliances, machinery, TV/radio equipment, etc.) It helps to channel some energy to it through the glass occasionally. The tea where the mushroom stayed for seven days is what you drink, but you can put it through a sieve (fine cloth). You can store it in a pitcher or glass jar (no metal lids or handles), or plastic. Keep this tea refrigerated. Page 4 Take 4 ounces (1/2 glass) every morning, on an empty stomach. Do not take more than 1/2 glass per day. If you notice the tea becoming too strong or fermented, dilute it with freshly brewed tea. Did you ever read that there is a place in Siberia where people live to be over 100 or 130 years old? And they are healthy and happy people? We are sharing their secret. NOTE : As with any cleansing process, your body MAY undergo conditions which would require appropriate but simple care. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THE KOMBUCHA ELIXIR OR MANCHURIAN TEA FOR PREGNANT OR LACTATING WOMEN! -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you might wish further information on how to obtain a Manchurian Mushroom, please contact: Christine Andersen PO BOX 180114 Dallas, TX 75218 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5