Placed in the public domain from the VANGARD SCIENCES archives on September 8, 1989. Our mailing address is PO BOX 1031, Mesquite, TX 75150. Voice phone (Jerry 214-324-8741...Ron 214-484-3189 KeelyNet (214) 324-3501 Laboratory Verification of Homeopathy? New York (AP) A prestigious journal announced today it will launch an independent investigation of a series of experimental findings that have been CONFIRMED AROUND THE WORLD yet DEFY ANY CONCEIVABLE (?) scientific explanation. Researchers at five separate laboratories in France, Canada, Israel and Italy reported today they have identified a curious antibody reaction involving human blood cells that should, by any imaginable theory, be impossible. "It's unbelievable and it breaks all the rules," said one of the researchers, Patricia Fortner, an immunology research associate at the University of Toronto. The researchers have found that antibodies that react with certain blood cells will continue to react when diluted far beyond the point where they should theoretically be able to. The reaction occurs EVEN AT EXTREME DILUTIONS where there are theoretically NO ANTIBODY MOLECULES LEFT in the solution, said Fortner. "This has really shaken up our world," she said. "Even people who have seen this phenomenon FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE, because it's hard to conceive what could be happening here." The report appears in Nature, an influential British medical journal. Nature's editors were as perplexed by the research as were the researchers. Its referees - scientific experts chosen to affirm the soundness of the research before it is published - DIDN'T BELIEVE THE RESULT BUT COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE CONDUCT OF THE EXPERIMENTS, the magazine said. The scientist principally responsible for the inexplicable results is Dr. Jacques Benveniste of INSERM, the French medical research institute. The findings are an outgrowth of his efforts to develop a new blood test to identify allergies. Fortner, Bruce Pomeranz and others at the University of Toronto have independently duplicated Benveniste's findings, as have two research groups in Israel and one in Milan, Fortner said. In its statement, Nature said of the findings, "There is no physical basis for such an activity. With the kind collaboration of Professor Benveniste, Nature has therefore arranged for independent investigators to observe repetitions of the experiments." Page 1 Other findings by Benveniste have added further mystery. For example, the phenomenon occurs only when the extremely diluted solutions are mixed violently in the laboratory, said Fortner. Without this violent shaking, called SUCCUSSION, nothing happens. Why? Unkown, Fortner said. Furthermore, if the extremely diluted solutions are HEATED OR FROZEN, which would destroy any antibodies in them, THE REACTION DOESN'T OCCUR, Fortner said. Yet there aren't supposed to be any antibodies present, so the question is: What is being changed? Benveniste's findings fuel a long-standing dispute over the effectiveness of a controversial school of disease treatment called HOMEOPATHY. "Homeopathy basically says that the same substance that can cause a problem - if you can identify that element and dilute it into very small doses, INFINITESIMAL DOSES, it can CURE or AMELIORATE those symptoms," said Robert Matsuk, a pharmacist at Boiron-Borneman, a homeopathic pharmaceutical. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VANGARD COMMENTS follow.... This paper was one of the original US releases of this story, subsequent investigation was done by of all people, the AMAZING RANDI and the editor of Nature. Could you possibly choose more qualified people to judge a medical/biological experiment?? Apparently, water and fluids in general can temporarily "record" energy patterns which can then be ingested to affect the body. In homeopathy, this "treated" fluid, water or alcohol, is allowed to permeate a sugar cube for a more permanent "capture" of the pattern. Obviously, any field influence which is stronger will overcome the pattern which is held in the fluid, so a more "frozen" form would be less susceptible to outside influences. The body is comprised of a large quantity of fluid which makes it highly susceptible to "patterns". These can be any type of energetic disturbance from magnetism to light to sound, etc.. Refer to DNAMAST1 and DNAMAST2 for further information. Thanks for your comments, contributions/uploads and support!! Page 2