Q: What's the difference between this kind of program and cult-type abuse and Satanic abuse in the kind of cults with the candles and the... Dr.H: This type of programming will be done in the cults with the candles and all the rest. My impression is this is simply done in people where they have great access to them or they're bloodline and their parents are in it and they can be raised in it from an early age. If they are bloodline they are the chosen generation. If not, they're expendable and they are expected to die and not get well. There will be booby traps in your way if they aren't non-bloodline people that when they get well they will kill themselves. I'll tell you just a little about that. My belief is that some people that have ritual abuse and don't have this have been ritually abused but they may be part of a non-mainstream group. The Satanism comes in the overall philosophy overriding all of this. People say, "What's the purpose of it?" My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, ten of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, do child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, do snuff films, all sorts of very lucrative things and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they'll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world. One last question. Then I'll give you couple of details and we need to shift gears. Q: You have suggested and implied that at some point at a high level of the U.S. Government there was support of this kind of thing. I know we're short of time, but could you just say a few words about the documentation that may exist for that suggestion? Dr.H: There isn't great documentation of it. It comes from victims who are imperiled witnesses. The interesting thing is how many people have described the same scenario and how many people that we have worked with who have had relatives in NASA, in the CIA and in the Military, including very high-ups in the Military. I can tell you that a friend and colleague of mine who has probably the equivalent of half the table space on that far side of the room filled with boxes with declassified documents from mind-control research done in the past which has been able to be declassified over a considerable -- couple of decades -- period and has read more government documents about mind control than anyone else, has a brief that has literally been sent in the past week and a half asking for all information to be declassified about the Monarch Project for us to try to find out more. Now let me just mention something about some of the stuff that my experience is in several patients now that you may run into late in the process. I know I'm throwing a lot at you in a hurry. Some of it is completely foreign and some of you may think, "Gosh, could any of this be true?" Just, you know, ask. Find out in your patients and you may be lucky and there isn't any of this. Somewhere at a deep level you may run into some things like this. Let me describe to you, if I can find my pen, the system in one patient. One patient I had treated for quite a while, a non-bloodline person. We had done what appeared to be successful work and reached final integration. She came back to me early last year and said she was symptomatic with some things. I started inquiring. I found a part there we'd integrated. The part basically said, "There was other stuff that I couldn't tell you about and you integrated me and so I had to split off." I had done some inquiring about things like Alpha, Beta as a routine part of it and found they were there and I said to this part, "Why didn't you tell me about this stuff?" She said, "Well, we gave you some hints but they went right over your head." Says, "I'm sorry, but we know that you didn't know enough to help us but now we know you can." So the stuff started coming out. It was interesting. She described the overall system -- if I can remember it now -- as being like this. The circle represented harm to the body, a system of alters whose primary purpose was to hurt her including symptoms like Munchausen's, self-mutilation, other kinds of things. Each of the triangles represented still another different system. She said, "With the exception of me," this one part, "you dealt with the whole circle with the work that we did before but you didn't touch the rest of the stuff." Okay. In the middle of all this was still another system consisting of the Cabalistic Tree, which some of you are aware, looks approximately like this with lines in between and so on and so forth. There's a rough approximation. That represented another system. Then once we got past that she implied that this entire thing was somehow encompassed by, what do you call it, an hourglass. I kept thinking we were at final integration then I'd find some other parts. This person had an eagle-eye husband that was watching for certain things that we found to be reliable indicators. So often I would get evidence of dissociation within a few days. It would suddenly be picked up. You know, what we found was I continued to find evidence of dissociation and I'd find parts. Finally this part, as I got angry with him and said, "Why when I give these ideomotor inquiries am I getting lied to?" This part said, "Because you don't understand. You're going to get us all killed." We started talking and then she basically said, "It's been programmed so that if you succeed and think you've succeeded, you will fail. They build it in as a way to laugh at you, that if you ever get us integrated, we will die." Here's what she said, this part said, "I'm one of twelve disciples," and I've seen this in others, twelve disciples within this hourglass each of whom had to memorize a disciple-lesson which were basic Satanic kind of premises, philosophies of life like "be good to those who hurt you, hate those who are nice to you," on and on and on. There may be two or three sentences like that associated with each that they had to memorize them. They said, "We are like grains of sand falling and when the last grain of sand falls, there's Death." I said, "Is Death a part?" "Yes. When the last grain of sand falls the Sleeping Giant awakens." The Sleeping Giant was Death, who was then to kill them on Day-One or Day-Six after awakening unless certain things were followed and we did some of those. Well we also found Death had a sister as a backup, used with mirrors to create the sister part. We had to get past and deal with that too. Death had certain things that they said had to be done to integrate. I started to say, "Oh, come on, they lied to you before." She said, "Wait a minute. This what they said you'd say. They said that no doctor would ever believe that they had to go these extremes to get us well and that's part of the reason they'd fail." I said, "Well, tell me, tell me again." She said, "I have to be dressed all in red. I have to have Demerol onboard, have taken Demerol. A code has to be given and it has to be in a room that's totally dark. It has to happen on Day-One or Day-Six after this part's been awakened." I said what I'd have to lose? I had a psychiatrist give her a little Demerol. We used the code. My office didn't have any windows anyway. It was pretty easy. Oh, and there had to be four, I think, candles lit. Well, fine. So we did it and everything went well. Maybe it would have gone well if we hadn't done it, but I decided not to take the chance and to trust the patient maybe. Well, so we go on and then we find another part. There's Death And Destruction, another backup also with a sister that we had to get through. In fact, I think there were two backups there. Interestingly, the very last part was an extremely nice part, made especially that way so that they wouldn't want to lose them because they would be so adorable and so loving and so sweet that they wouldn't want to maybe get rid of them. Then we found that she continued to have these feelings with this last part left now of darkness and blackness inside. What did we find? A curtain. She said, "They assumed that if you ever got to this point, you would," and along the way, by the way, we had encountered this stuff about the LSD stuff, the Green Bomb programming. The message was that she said, "There is a curtain behind which are the remaining feelings and memories, but it can't be opened from the middle. It's like a stage curtain. It has to opened this way," that it can't be opened. They assumed that you would try to deal with all the feelings. That can't be opened until you've dealt with that last part and they've integrated. So far it looks like we've got integration that's holding. So I found Death And Destruction and the Hourglass in non-bloodline. "The Tree and the Hourglass," this patient informed me, "were made of sand because we were meant to die. We're expendable. We're the unchosen generation." I've heard variously that it's crystals or blood that fills the Hourglass in bloodline people. By the way, you can do real simple things like turn the Hourglass on its side so nothing can fall out, so time stands still to be able to do certain kinds of work. Spread the grains of sand on the seashore so that they can't be numbered and the time will not be counted. Got that idea from a ritual-abuse victim who had seen some of this kind of programming done that another therapist was seeing. So those would be just a few other hints about things that may be helpful or meaningful. We're talking about very intensive things and at deep levels to me this give us two things. One thing it gives to me is hope because it gets to material and it makes progress like nothing else we've ever seen with these people who have it. The second thing it does for me is it demoralizes me, too, because although three years ago I had a pretty good idea about the extent and breadth of what they had done to these victims, I had no real appreciation for the depth and breadth and intensity of what they'd done. I want to come back to the other question over here now. The other question is how many of them can get well? We don't know. In most things in the mental health profession we accept two-thirds of the patients are going to improve, maybe seventy percent. There's very little we can get everybody well. I think one of the sad things we have to face is that many of these patients will probably never be well. My personal belief is that if they are being messed with their only hope of getting well is if they can somehow get out of contact. Now I know patients who've gone to other states and simply had deep-level alters pick up the phone and call and said, "This is our new address and phone number" so that they could be picked up locally. I mean in an inpatient unit for an extended period of time. If they are in a Cult from their area and they are still being monitored and messed with, my own personal opinion is we can't get them well and can't offer more than humanitarian caring and supportiveness. Lots of therapists do not like to hear that. That's my opinion. I believe that if somehow they're lucky enough to be wealthy enough to have protection, to have somehow gotten away in some way and we can work with them without being messed with, that they have a chance to reach some semblance of normality and livability with enough intensive work. My own personal belief is I don't think anybody with this kind of programming is well in this country yet. There are some who are well along the way. I've got a couple who are well along in their work and have done a tremendous amount, but they're clearly not well yet. Q: Could you speculate on the relationship between this stuff and the fantasy games that have been proliferating, Dungeons and Dragons and that sort of thing? Dr.H: Well, there are a lot of things out there to cue people. You want to see a great movie, interesting movie, to cue people? Go see "Trancers II." You can rent it in your video shop. Came out last fall. One night in sheer desperation for something at the video store, you know? Nine o'clock on Friday night. Everything's gone. I rented a couple of movies and one of them is that. Fascinating. They're talking about Green World Order. Yes, "Trancers II." And who is the production company? Full Moon Productions. I couldn't see much cuing in "Trancers I," but who's the production company in "Trancers I"? Alter Productions. There are lots of things around that are cuing. There's an interesting person in the late sixties who talked about the Illuminati. Have any of you ever heard of the Illuminati with regard to the Cult? Had a patient bring that up to me just about exactly two years ago. We've now had other stuff come out from other patients. Appears to be the name of the international world leadership. There appear to be Illuminatic Counsels in several parts of the world and one internationally. The name of the international leadership of the Cult supposedly. Is this true? well, I don't know. It's interesting we're getting some people who are trying to work without cuing who are saying some very similar things. There was an old guy in Hollywood in the late sixties who talked about the infiltration of Hollywood by the Illuminati. Certainly what some patients have said is all of this spook stuff, horror stuff, possession and everything else that's been popularized in the last twenty years in Hollywood is in order to soften up the public so that when a Satanic world order takes over, everyone will have been desensitized to so many of these things, plus to continually cue lots of people out there. Is that true? Well, I can't definitely tell you that it is. What I can say is I now believe that ritual-abuse programming is widespread, is systematic, is very organized from highly esoteric information which is published nowhere, has not been on any book or talk show, that we have found all around this country and at least one foreign country. Let's take a couple of quick questions and we need to get on to other material. Yes? Q: Do you have any techniques for decreasing your level of uncertainty that a patient is or is not being still tampered with, "messed with," as you said? Dr.H: Just that I would ask several of the parts I've inquired about, Core, Diana, Wisdom, Master Programmer, several parts inside I would ask about these sorts of things and I will keep asking it. As you do additional work and get a bit further, I would ask again to find out. In the back? Q: I wonder if you've heard or you know of the Martin Luther Bloodline? Dr.H: The what? Q: Martin Luther Bloodline? Dr.H: I know nothing about Martin Luther Bloodline. I'll give you one other quick tip. Ask him about an identification code. There's an identification code that people have. It will involve their birth date. It may involve places where they were programmed and it will usually involve a number in there that will be their birth order, like zero-two if they were second-born. It will usually involve a number that represents the number of generations in the Cult, if they are bloodlines. I've seen up to twelve now, twelve generations. Q: I have seen a lot of the things you've been describing today in several patients. I wanted to ask you a question about the Seven Systems. You mentioned something about systems here. Are there Seven Systems? Dr.H: There has been that described in some patients, yes, the Seven Systems. Q: Could you say what that is or a little diagram? Dr.H: I don't think we know enough to know what it is, honestly. I think it may have to do with Seven Cabalistic Trees. Q: Have you ever had any evidence where any of these people have been tagged and there have been anything of their body-parts that might be related to this, private parts in particular? Dr.H: Well, there are certainly people that have had tattoos, that have had a variety of other kinds of things, some of which have been, you know, documented in cases, but I mean to say, well, maybe they did that to themselves or had it done consciously to really prove something, not that occurs to right off the bat. Let me just take this one last question back and we need to go on to other material because we're never going to get through it all. I'll just ask you to hold your question. Q: It's not a question but I wanted to say for myself, personally, and perhaps for others here as well, I wanted to thank you very sincerely for taking this time to come forward. [Applause] Dr.H: Well, [Applause] Q: Does anyone want to join us for a standing ovation for this material? It's wonderful. [Sustained applause] Dr.H: A dear friend who's one of the top people in the field, who I know has had death threats, but I know struggled for professional credibility in believing in MPD and was harshly criticized for even believing in that ten and fifteen years ago, and struggled to a point of professional credibility. I think in his heart of hearts he knows it's true, but he will say things like, "I wouldn't be surprised to find tomorrow it was an international conspiracy and I wouldn't be surprised to find tomorrow that it is an urban myth and rumor." He tries to stay right on the fence and the reason is because it's controversial, because there is a campaign underway saying these all false memories induced by, along with incest and everything else, by "Oprah" and by books like "The Courage to Heal" and by naive therapists using hypnosis. It's controversial. My personal opinion has come to be if they're going to kill me, they're going to kill me. There's going to be an awful lot of information that's been put away that'll go to investigative reporters and multiple investigative agencies, if it happens, and an awful lot of people like you , I hope, that if I ever have an accident will be pushing for a very large-scale investigation. I think we have to stand up as some kind of moral conscience at some point and I tried to wait until we had gotten enough verification from independent places to have some real confidence that this was widespread. I know we've gone like a house afire to try to pack as much as I could in for you. I hope it's given you some things to think about and some new ideas and I appreciate being with you. [Long sustained applause] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------