(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet! February 24, 1991 DOLPHIN1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: SPIRIT BBS Line#1 704-297-2342 Line#2 704-297-6003 ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- " Orvotron " The Center For Higher Awareness RT 2, Box 309B, Vilas, N.C. 28692 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ( DOLPHIN.TXT ) For many years the subject of Dolphins being highly intelligent creatures has raised much scientific research. To my knowledge a means of communication has not been successful but has been tried by many different research projects. However since the early part of 1990 there has been some extraordinary break through's heretofore never believed possible. Not by scientific experts but by individuals involved in new age research of their own using hypnosis as a tool to find answers to many questions about themselves and any knowledge of their past lives lived on this planet called Earth. We at the center are involved with many research projects ranging into areas few thought would bare fruit. One area in particular was the means of hypnotic regression taking willing subjects back into their past lives. WE as researchers believed the soul had a blueprint of all lives it lived. In this ongoing research much has been learned in this field. Bringing out new knowledge of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu. Along wit that, many heretofore¼little understood things are coming out about the great pyramid, and the reason these great structures were built and were of unique use of those who built and used them on a worldwide basis. All these secrets are now coming out. But until recently little new startling things surfaced. One such researcher we choose to keep secret has in using this technique regressed a family who have had total recall and knowledge of being Dolphins in a past life. To further certify and authenticate the information in this work, we engaged this individual and asked that he accumulate a record and a means to use this new knowledge of the Dolphin language. There then proceeded much work in recording the language from these individuals and to put it to English. After these folks became Page 1 adept in its use, we were ready to then ask them to try it out on actual live Dolphins in Florida. The results were overwhelming. So astounding was the result the center is now engaged in a book to be released in early summer along with two tapes of this language and a complete Dolphin Alphabet. This will enable any Dolphin lover the availability though practice in using another hypnotic tape that can and will attune their consciousness, vocal cords and ears to the means to actually communicate and understand these creatures and thus become fluent in the use of this language while making closer contact with these wonderful creatures. By use of this now available new and clear communication as a language we believe new horizons in science will be the result. It is our hope by giving this to the people in this way and not releasing it to governments or others researching ways to do this a new respect will arise from this new understanding of these highly intelligent creatures by all who experience and learn through this endeavor in it being made public. Along with the Dolphin language the Book has much new insight into lost civilizations that flourished as far back as a million or more years ago. Where harmony of life was in a much higher state of consciousness than is even imagined today. Where creatures were friendly and co-existed with human type beings of intelligence far beyond present levels reached today. If attitudes do not change on Earth where love replaces many of the selfish, greedy, and hate filled minds of many this planet will most assuredly be completely different in terms of life forms than presently exists today. The ones that do survive will be those putting love of ALL Life ahead of all these other lower emotions destroying Earth. Anyone interested in getting access to our BBS, and also joining us in the ongoing work trying to create a better life on Earth may do so by subscribing to our newsletter which will list availability of the above mention book and the tapes of the language of the Dolphins. Along with that, other interesting areas of World change are discussed and the means to weather them into the Golden Age about to emerge lifting out of and beyond to a world rapidly becoming extinct in life as we know it. By linking up with others in these endeavors of Love of all life things will emerge bringing new insight individuals and groups in areas of knowledge before unheard of and the means to assist as a family growing in taking on as our job of creating a better world for all. Your indulgence in joining us and breaking away from acts destroying Earth and her life forms are badly needed. Those turning their back on these desecrations that are raping and destroying the planet will in the end become recipients of what these things have created. However another way does exist and the heartfelt desire in choosing it over these other transgressions will Page 2 result in assisting you in the ability to survive as one who then deserves and has the right to cross over into the Golden Age. It is our hope in bringing this information out that it will be used in Love and it will result in man and all creatures gaining respect for each other and in its use for the first having the means to communicate in that love. Peace and Love Kortron -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vangard notes... This file was uploaded by Walter Bartoo of the SPIRIT BBS. It is not normally the type of information which KeelyNet would provide, HOWEVER, the hypnotic experimentation and the dolphin language uncovered FROM that experiment might lead to some very interesting experiments. I spoke with "KORTRON" (Walter) this morning and he says a lady involved in the project went to an island around which there were no dolphins. By standing in the water, use of the "Dolphin Language" would bring many of the animals to the area. I also asked if there were videos of such experiments and Walter says yes. We look forward to the release of the book, audio and video tapes. A conclusive proof of the efficacy/validity of such a language could lead to many new findings. We refer you to the file REALITY on KeelyNet for a most excellent correlative article. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3