(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=78, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 October 6, 1990 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley on AIDS INTRODUCTION It appears that "AIDS" has become very big business. The fear, the thought of "AIDS" produces in individuals is enough to cause some people to pretend it does not exist. What the public is being told about "AIDS" by the major media is making sure that it has this effect. For some time now I have been following the "AIDS" story and I am not surprised to see that the people fighting the war on cancer are now fighting a new war. The mystery of "AIDS" has given medical researchers a new opportunity with which to bleed the American tax payer of precious research dollars. I am not suggesting that we do not need solutions to the "AIDS" puzzle, but like the war on cancer, those that receive the research dollars are selected by special interest groups in the medical and pharmaceutical community has approved your research as being valid and worthy of financial support. If ones research proposal fails to mention Dr. Gallo and the HIV virus one could forget about receiving any part of the financial resources available for research. It appears that the bottom line in "AIDS" research is money, not the money that is to be spent, but rather the money that will be made. Imagine how much a pharmaceutical company has to gain if they own the patent on an effective drug to combat "AIDS". Never mind an effective drug, a dangerous and suspect drug, like AZT will do. Burrows-Wellcome has made a substantial amount of money from the marketing of AZT, a drug that for some is so toxic that it is useless. The purpose for this paper is to disseminate information that I feel is being suppressed by the main stream media, why this is so I can only guess at. It seems that if you are not satisfied with what you are being told causes "AIDS" then you can't be serious about finding a solution to the problem. The fact remains that no one can say unequivocally what causes "AIDS". As of this date, there still is no evidence to support the contention that the HIV virus is responsible for causing "AIDS". How often is this fact mentioned in the main stream media. How often is it mentioned or stressed that "AIDS" is not a disease, but rather a syndrome. That what ultimately puts an individual in the hospital is not a new disease but rather any number of diseases that have been around for ages. Why is it that the vital factor that results in mortality in all "AIDS" cases is an immune system that has been compromised. The course of treatment is to aggressively treat the individual with powerful drugs that further compromise the individuals defense system. I asked a physician friend of mine, what is the rational Page 1 for this? The good doctor says that, all though this is true, there is a philosophy in medicine that says, when determining a course of treatment the physician must weigh the benefit of the treatment with the potential negative effects and if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks the physician should go ahead with the treatment. In 1981 when the so called "AIDS" epidemic was starting to get attention, the co-factor theory of cause was in the forefront. As is often the case, the one disease one germ model took precedence. With the discovery, by Dr. Robert Gallo, of the HTLV-III virus the search for a solution was confined to finding a weapon to combat the alleged culprit. Little mention is made in the general media of alternate avenues of research, and for some reason promising alternatives for combating this scourge are being ignored. It seems clear that because many of these alternatives implement non- patentable remedies, and therefore no money can be made, no one seems interested. -------------------------------------------------------------------- What follows are excerpts from a five hour "AIDS" special that aired on October 6, 1987 over WBAI radio in New York City, a listener supported, non-commercial FM station operated by Pacifica Radio. The person who is responsible for this wealth of information is Gary Noll. I have tried to limit myself to the participants own words and paraphrased as accurately as possible. When references are referred to, I have sought to properly document the reference. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Therapies Gary: Our next guest is Dr. Laurence Badgley. Welcome to our program Doctor. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Thank you Gary. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: First, you have taken somewhat of a different approach than other people in the field. The traditional physician has used very toxic immunosuppressant drugs in order to try to help the person with AIDS and even the desire and the intent is certainly admirable the effects sometimes are as deadly as the disease process itself. From the alternative perspective would you share with us what you see, first, the larger overview is the basic wrong headedness in the approach to treating AIDS and then more specifically what you're doing and the results. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Truly what we're seeing at the present time is that the people who led the war on cancer, the failed war on cancer, have now been transferred over to lead the war on AIDS, with the same technology that did not work for cancer. Page 2 Natural therapies on the other hand have a long time tested period in the field of medicine, thousands of years in the oriental traditions. What we do in the clinics in California with natural therapies for AIDS is that we use a total program of nutrition [and] the low intensity energies that balance the body, that stimulate the body to heal itself. I think that's one of the tenets of natural therapies. We have to realize we're not talking about a cure, but rather the body heals itself when you give it the right energy, the right raw materials for immune system function, so that we use nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs to stimulate the immune system, acupuncture which has scientifically been demonstrated to boost the immune system, and we bring in the mental therapies, what we might call relaxation medicines, these are the low tech high touch therapies of self hypnosis, biofeedback, imagery, visualization because we know that the human mind has profound influence on immune system function form moment to moment. What we're seeing is that people who use these natural therapies are able to increase the qualities of their lives are able to go back to work, be fully functional. Some of our people had Kaposi Sarcoma far in excess of the usual two years, they're doing well they have normal helper cell/T cell counts. So that I think natural therapies have a wealth of knowledge and opportunity for people with immune system diseases. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: Can you give us what you've found is the most effective treatment for AIDS, and possibly give us some of the actual case histories, the dates and the circumstances so that we can see a little bit more clearly and a little more objectively what your therapy consists of. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Gary I have to tell you it's not one secret magic bullet natural therapy involved here it's a total program. Many people make the mistake when they start thinking about going towards alternative therapies are going to find the magic herb, the magic vitamin dose and so forth, we don't have that, what we have is a total program that involves dealing with the mind physical body and the spirit. What our AIDS patients tell us, the survivors, the people who are doing well, who've beat the odds by far, what their programs and their lives have indicated to us with their natural therapies approach is that they take charge of their lives, I think this is the critical aspect, of the survivor program. People have made the decision to live and taken charge of their lives and put in place a program that's custom made for themselves that has something from the different areas. It's often based upon natural nutrition, live foods, organic foods, vegetarianism, they take large amounts of vitamins, minerals herbs and so forth. Some of the survivors, to give you a case example, one fellow, who is typical, who was bedridden for many months in the early eighties with the ravages of this disease process, he made the decision to live, put himself on a natural foods program undertook changes in Page 3 his mental attitude so that he realized an attudinal shift to change his perceptions about his disease process put in place a very strong will to live, used high amounts of various vitamins and minerals that are commonly used by natural therapist and nutritional therapist took a variety of medicinal herbs from the Chinese tradition, underwent acupuncture once weekly, and his T-cell count now is over 300 in this course of time over the last four or five years it would have ordinarily been markedly lower than that in fact he would not be alive if he were to have followed the traditional course of the evolution of the disease process. I think the natural therapies like this have made a decided difference in many of these patients, Another patient has had Karposi Sarcoma in excess of two years, his helper cell count is in the normal range, his T-4/T-8 ratio is normal his been doing a program like the one I described, a little different mix of those items, but essentially the basic three areas have been covered, the body the mind and the spirit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: As a preventive guide for people in the audience, what measures would you suggest for them? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: I would say that for people who have ARC or AIDS, one thing that they need to do is realize the myth that this is caused by one virus, the HIV virus, by understanding the myth then you can begin understanding why the natural therapies, the low tech therapies might work. You see the germ theory has held sway over the last hundred years, and the high tech approach in medicine has been an attempt to apply itself to that type of a theory where there is one cause for each disease. Rather, in AIDS, I think what we have, and what the survivors are teaching us, is that it's a disease that's a result of many co- factors. We used to here about co-factors in this disease process until this HIV virus was discovered and then the co-factor concept fell by the wayside, but indeed we see that people who develop AIDS had many things happen in their lives that become cumulatively the cause of the disease process, many past infections, lots of syphilis, lots of gonorrhea, many courses of antibiotics throughout their life time, improper nutrition, poor self esteem, anger, fear and panic. And when people learn that they have AIDS since the media distorted this picture so greatly the average person is led to believe, by the authorities, the medical authorities, they have this fatal disease [that] they self program for death. Rather, the stories that the survivors teach us is that they have not bought into that model. They have realized the co-factor nature of this disease process, and they have done things in their lives to correct these co-factor situations. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 Gary: Do you find that the average healthy heterosexual, either black or white or Puerto Rican or any other nationality, is at risk of AIDS? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: I don't think that the risk is as great as the media makes it out to be. It seems to be confined to populations of people who perhaps are involved in lifestyles and habits that are not in keeping with the balance of nature. If you look at the situation of wives who have unprotected intercourse with people who have positive antibody blood picture. Many cases, cases that I have seen in my office amongst my patients, these wives have not converted to becoming antibody positive. If you take the cases of people who have had accidental needle sticks, it's clear that the virulence of this virus is much less than hepatitis. The virus is, apparently according to scientific investigation, lives for two weeks outside the human body. The virus is clearly widely prevalent in the community and not that many people have developed AIDS. If you look at the figures themselves only one in every one hundred people who are antibody positive have developed AIDS. The figures clearly demonstrate that this is not a virulent, easily transmitted disease. The stories of the people who have AIDS have impressed me with the fact that they have done things in their lives that have been decidedly injurious to their immune systems, and I think a strong case ca n be made that people who have developed AIDS have injured their immune systems first, that the HIV virus and the other many germs that come into the body at that point are secondary invaders taking advantage of a week terrain, sort of speak. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: I have a few thoughts I'd like you to respond to if you would please. Almost nowhere are we hearing the importance of stimulating the bodies natural immune response, but rather we're told that only a drug can stimulate that response, and generally those drugs don't work that well in co-operation with the bodies immune system, and if they do, they may stimulate one aspect of the immune system and at the same time suppress another aspect of the immune system. What do you see is being the critical point where the body can fight for itself? What exactly does it need, and in what measure does it need it, just to get a little clearer, a little better focused insight? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Well we're not hearing about the natural therapies because they don't fit into the economic scheme of things in medicine. Page 5 Clearly the types of therapies I'm talking about are low on the scales of economies. They don't require much money and they are not patentable so they don't make for lucrative business types of situations. The type of things we're talking about are in the use of vitamins and minerals for example. It has been clearly demonstrated that AIDS patients are deficient in certain critical minerals that are so important for immune system function, the raw material for the immune system. Be aware that we make about five million white blood cells every few minutes. These are the forge fighters of the immune system, and if we don't put into our bodies the correct raw materials we don't have a good strong immune system. We're talking about such things as selenium, iron, zinc, beta- carotene becomes very important, vitamin A, vitamin C becomes very important. It's a whole range of vitamins and minerals that are so important and so lacking in the average population. The average American diet has been analyzed in the laboratory to find out how much vitamins and minerals it contains. And low and behold, there are broad segments of our population who are malnourished from the [standpoint] of vitamins and minerals. It has been demonstrated that there are significant percentages of our population who do not obtain even the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. This is a shame, it's part of the problem. When we speak about using nutrition for such a serious disease many people regard it to be a laughable matter, but I think the point is that it's so simple that it is over looked. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: Let me run down some specific nutrients, and give us, if you would, what you feel is the relationship of that nutrient and the immune system. Lets start with some of the herbs, virtually unused at all in traditional medicine in the context of AIDS. Let us start with some of the oriental medicines, such as Chinese medicinal herbs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Well, the herbs have been demonstrated, in the laboratory, to boost the immune system function, and the way they do this is by increasing out put of hormones which are the messengers by which the immune system works. We've all heard of interferon and interluken II and every few months or every years or so we have a new natural substance from the body which that is being touted as a dramatic break through in the cure for cancer. The reason that these things don't pan out is that the allopathic Page 6 physicians tend to take these powerful hormones chemicals and inject them back into body as drugs. I think that the way herbs work, rather, is to stimulate the body to do it's own thing. And it's been demonstrated that certain Chinese medicinal mushrooms can stimulate the body to out put it's own intefuron at it's own level, it's own high tide, it's own low tide, with it's own pulsation that changes cyclically from moment to moment, hour to hour through out the day. This is important because if you stimulate the body to do it's own thing, it is closer to finding its own balance, and when you put in, even substances that are natural to the body, you can overide this balance, this delicate balance, that the body has of its own wisdom. Chinese medicinal herbs have been shown to increase white blood cell numbers, and antibody production. Chinese medicinal mushrooms are a particular interest of mine and I have used them with some AIDS patients with interesting results. Herbs are natural gentle ways to stimulate the body to balance itself, and the oriental tradition of thousands of years has demonstrated this to us. Certain vitamins, herbs and mushrooms have been shown to provide longevity have been used medicinally. Echinasia is another herbs that's been widely studied in Europe, was used in the United States until the late eighteen hundreds when the American Medical Association criticized its use, but in Germany, very good analytic laboratory science has demonstrated simian potentiating function. It's an herb I often recommend for AIDS patients. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: How about herbs such as garlic and licorice and even non-herbs such as wheatgrass and some of the micro-algies that have been shown, like spirolenena and chlorella, to make an impact on deep cell cleansing and detoxification because we haven't heard of any programs being offered that first detoxifies the person with AIDS and then to rebuild their health properly with natural immune stimulators. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Yes, many of the foods could be potential potent immune stimulators. Garlic is one, it's been used widely throughout the ages in many different cultures. When diluted many thousands of times in water still has antibacterial, antifungal functions. The algae world is presenting us with a new class of compounds that look very interesting. There is work being done currently at Harvard University in the department of dentistry and oral pathology with oral cancers. A substance has been taken from algae which is a mixture of the pigments of the algae. There are about fifteen different pigments in this mixture. These are the pigments that give the algae the color, Page 7 and the pigments the algae uses to make energy to protect itself from excessive sunlight, and also to use sunlight to manufacture energy. These pigments have been demonstrated to increase the cancer surveillance system of the body. Be advised that one third of AIDS patients die of Karposi Sarcoma which is a skin cancer. For the first time in history the scientist at Harvard have demonstrated that the body indeed has a cancer surveillance system, that these pigments can, under the microscope, increase such things as tumornocroses factor alpha which is a hormone--one of these hormones they've been talking about from macrophage white blood cells--that necroses or kills cancer cells, directly visualized under the microscope. In the same experiment the experimenters have discovered that this mixture of pigments increases the cytotoxic T-cells around these incipient cancer cells that are developing. The cytotoxic T-cells, the T-H cells are the cells the body that attack other cells that harbor viruses, it's the cell group that increases in AIDS patients, early on, in an attempt to scavenge up the cells that harbor the virus, again, directly visualized under the microscope. This landmark research shows that we do have a cancer surveillance system that can be activated by natural products, food products, nutrient products. And it's a very exciting area of medicine, I hope that we have the freedom of investigation in this country to allow these sorts of ideas to be further used and investigated and used in AIDS patients before it becomes tied up into a monopoly as was done with cancer. In my own state, I have to tell you, there are laws on the books that prohibits the types of methods we're talking about here from being used with cancer patients. It's against the law. If I were to use them with cancer patients I could have my license taken away. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: Could you give us what you would see as the Candida connection to AIDS and also more specifics on some of the vitamins and minerals you feel would make a difference. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Gary I have to tell you that the Candida connection is there. Indeed most of the AIDS patients we see seem to have a problem with candida. Early on when AIDS was first discovered, all the patients it was discovered in were found to have candida. I think it might be one of the co-factors. It's certainly an organism that is widely prevalent in the environment, and comes into the body when the body when the immune system is weakened. Page 8 I do have to counter that with the observation though that many times in the alternative natural therapies communities there is a similar approach to the disease process that we find in the allopathic community, that is to say the one germ one disease model, and I think that perhaps we've entered a phase of to much concentration on the germ candida as the cause of things. It's a friendly germ, it lives in every ones body, just as pneumocyctis pneumonia does. It gets out of bounds when the body terrain, the body itself is weakened so we need to strengthen the body, we need to strengthen the terrain, and that's the guiding principle of natural therapies. So that we use, vitamin B-6, we use magnesium, we use manganese, malithinum, copper, zinc, iron, many of these patients seem to be deficient in iron. We use these in good amounts that will help provide the immune system with the raw materials it needs in order to bring itself into balance. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: What about specific vitamins and minerals? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Vitamin A becomes very important, folic acid, I'm sort of hesitant to talk about levels of vitamin use, because I think that these are things that need to be done between client/patient and their health practitioner. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: That I agree with, but at least to give them an indication of which nutrients have been shown to stimulate the immune system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Badgley: Well, the ones I have already mentioned so far are the critical ones, the ones that have been widely demonstrated to boost the immune system. Others are quarsathine and Co-enzyme-Q which are not specifically vitamins might be brought into the picture. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary: I want to thank you very much for sharing these insights. Clearly it is an alternative approach or even concomitant with other therapies. It's only to the patients advantage to stimulate the immune system by using the least invasive and the least toxic method, and the information you provided us with is heading us in that direction. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard Page 9 Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your consideration, interest and support. Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10